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Honda VFR800 parts Replacement for the successful and much loved VFR the first VFR though was already a little long in the tooth and was soon changed radically to the Vtec This model was a brilliant concept and well received it s spread of power3 Seventh Generation 09 Honda VFR800Used, secondhand Honda VFR 800 FI (VFR800FI RC46) parts With a stock of more than 250,000 used motorcycle parts, Boonstra Parts is the motorcycle is the disassembly specialist of The Netherlands Search on the lefthand side for
WTB Generation 6 Honda, 02 to 13, VFR800 VTEC RC46 $1 QR Code Link to This Post I am looking to purchase a Generation 6 Honda VFR800 VTEC RC46, offered from 02 to 13 As much as I like Generation 5 Honda VFR800Fi's, offered from 1998 to 01, with gear driven cams and their cool sound I like the Gen 6 betterOur Return and exchange policySpecs datasheet with technical data and performance data plus an analysis of the direct market competition of Honda VFR (VFR800) (BCRC46) in 1999, the model with sport touring body and 7 cm3 / 476 cui engine size, 59 kW / 80 PS / 79 hp of power, 6speed manual powertrain Specifications listing with the performance factory data and ProfessCars™ estimation, including

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バイク歴 12機目:HONDA VFR800 (RC462) 購入動機 1泊2日で志賀草津道路までツーリング。 名古屋から諏訪まで高速を0km、そこから下道を150km走って感じた超疲労感。 排気量(パワー)に関係なく、気力でカバーできたのは遠い昔。 41歳を超えて「初老」の域Honda Vfr800 RC46 2,794 likes 2 talking about this Fan's und Freunde der Honda VFR 800 FI RC46 Fan's and Friends of the Honda VFR 800 FI RC46The following versions and submodels of Honda VFR800 series RC46 were available in 07 07 Honda VFR (VFR800) (BCRC46) specs Honda VFR (VFR800) (BCRC46) , manufactured or sold in 07, (JDM) (up to December) manual 6speed gearbox;

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Honda VFR800F (Interceptor) review, history, specs The Honda VFR 800F was a Liquid cooled, four stroke, 90 degrees Vfour cylinder, DOHC, 4 valve per cylinder Sport Bike motorcycle produced by Honda between 1998 and 06 Max torque was 5975 ft/lbs (810 Nm) @ 8500 RPM Claimed horsepower was HP (0 KW) @ RPMThe following versions and submodels of Honda VFR800 series RC46 were available in 04 04 Honda VFR (VFR800) (BCRC46) specs Honda VFR (VFR800) (BCRC46) , manufactured or sold in 04, (JDM) (since January) manual 6speed gearbox;Honda Vfr800 RC46 2,811 likes 3 talking about this Fan's und Freunde der Honda VFR 800 FI RC46 Fan's and Friends of the Honda VFR 800 FI RC46

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ヒューズは右カウルの上らへん。ボルト2本にクリップ1つで簡単だと思ったが、ちょっとした知恵の輪状態? ハンドルにクランプで取り付けるのが基本みたいだけど、VFRはセパハンだから無理。 前へ FORCE V4(RC46-2HONDA VFR800 98 RC46 (Choke cable required) HONDA VFR800 9901 RC46 98 models require a separate choke cable (HB6056) Stock harness is OK Made switch holes in handlebars Earl's aluminum brake/clutch hose assembly 90mm up All VFR800 models use fuel injection instead of carburetors for fuelair mixing In 00, Honda updated the fifth generation VFR (RC46) with a catalytic converter, oxygen sensors, and an EFI system that would enter closedloop mode under highway (cruising) operation The VFR800 bodywork covered a frame derived from the VTR1000 Firestorm

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Full Throttle Reviews 07 Honda VFR800 I didn't fit a Sixth Generation 02–13 VFR800 VTEC (RC46) 21 VTEC valve actuation;FORCE V4(RC46-2) FORCE V4(RC46-2) 09年式のVFR800(逆車)。 ネットで見たパールホワイトに一目惚れ、欲しくて欲しくてやっと見つけて京都で遠征購入。 シリアル番号から日本(熊本)で製造されたヨーロッパ向け仕様。 VFR800自体、あまり見かけないSpecifications DIMENSIONS Overall length 95 mm / ,5 in – VFR800Fi (RC46, ) 21 mm / ,5 in – VFR800F (RC46, 0213) 2140 mm / 84,2 in – VFR800F (RC79)

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ホンダ vfr800 rc46 06年式の詳細スペック情報(発売年、タンク容量、燃料供給方式、シート高、最高出力など)。rc46ユーザのための、必要な情報が全てが揃う。さらに!スペック情報からのパーツ検索、タイヤ検索、純正部品まで。バイクのことなら、ウェビックホンダ vfr800 800cc 03年式 rc46 pgmfi std ホンダ vfr800 800cc 02-03年式 のバイクパーツ、バイク用品・アクセサリー、スクーターの部品など、修理やメンテナンス・補修で必要なパーツが揃っています。The RC46 model of VFR800 continues to be sold in certain international markets citation needed VTEC valve actuation The VFR800 was the first nonJDM motorcycle to use VTEC valvegear Honda used VTEC to meet tightening noise and emissions standards and to increase the peak engine horsepower

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